The immediate if filter does not short-circuit like you might expect with a typical conditional statement. The following example results in the number 20.001: The examples below show the output of a temperature sensor with state 20.001, unit ☌ and user configured presentation rounding set to 1 decimal. Script : msg_who_is_home : sequence : - service : notify.notify data : message : > To keep a clear overview, consider using YAML multiline strings to define your templates: Navigate to Developer Tools > Template, create your template in the Template editor and check the results on the right. The frontend has a template editor tool to help develop and debug templates. We will not go over the basics of the syntax, as Jinja2 does a great job of this in their templates documentation. Jinja2 supports a wide variety of operations: This means that we are using their syntax and make some custom Home Assistant variables available to templates during rendering. Templating in Home Assistant is powered by the Jinja2 templating engine. Process incoming data from sources that provide raw data, like MQTT, rest sensor or the command_line sensor.Formatting outgoing messages in, for example, the notify platforms and Alexa component.Templating is a powerful feature that allows you to control information going into and out of the system. Home Assistant architecture, especially states.They both use 8 bytes for storage so there is no advantage in terms of storage of using timestamp vs timestamptz.This is an advanced feature of Home Assistant.
So how does PostgreSQL calculate the time with time zone accounted for? It uses the timezone set by the server. This value has no timezone data attached. Now that we understand what UTC is, let’s reiterate. UTC time does not move any because of daylight savings time, but if your local time observes daylight savings time it’s because your offset changes based on the time of year. Each time zone will have a different offset. It’s a standardized time that we agree upon and you can calculate your local time based on an offset from this universal time based on our time zone. It is the standard by which the world keeps times coordinated. UTC is an abbreviation for Coordinated Universal Time. Timestamptz stores the date and time info in the form of a UTC value. So it is important to decide for the timestamp you are storing whether the timezone is important to keep or not. The big difference between these two data types is that timestamptz includes a timezone offset while timestamp does not.
Timestamp vs Timestamptz – What’s the Difference? We will also review some utility functions that will allow you to perform some handy date/time related tasks. We hope to clear up when to use PostgreSQL timestamp vs timestamptz so that you can decide on the appropriate data type for your specific application. In this article we will be discussing the difference between these two data types. PostgreSQL offers timestamp and timestamptz along with tons of utility functions that will allow you to perform most date and time related tasks. You may need to store the the birthdate of a user or the date and time an article was published. In almost every application of a database you will at some point need to store dates and times.